Problem set 3
due Thursday, October 26, 2023 at 11:59pm
Similar exercises will be worked through in the R tutorial on Oct 19
Allocate about 1 hour per problem, though some will take longer than others. You may need more time if programming is completely new to you, or less if you have some experience already.
- Instructions
Upload your
notebook to gradescope by 11:59pm on the due date.
- Note that each problem will be graded according to this rubric. Solutions that include packages or functions not covered in this course will recieve a score no higher than 2.
- You may collaborate with any of your classmates, but you must write your own code/solutions, understand all parts of the problem, and name your collaborators.
- You should also cite any outside sources you consulted, like Stack Overflow or ChatGPT, with a comment near the relevant lines of code (see example below). Recycled code that has not been cited will be considered plagerism and receive a zero.
# code here was inspired by user2554330 on stack overflow:
Problem 0
not graded
Create a new colab R notebook. Please include the title “Problem set 3”, your name, the date, and any collaborators somewhere at the top.
Problem 1
The dataset below includes data simulated from work done by Carolyn Rovee-Collier. Dr. Rovee-Collier developed a new way to study very young babies’ ability to remember things over time: the “mobile conjugate reinforcement paradigm”. See a video of this paradim here and a nice description from Merz et al (2017) here:
“In this task, one end of a ribbon is tied around an infant’s ankle and the other end is connected to a mobile hanging over his/her crib. Through experience with this set-up, the infant learns the contingency between kicking and movement of the mobile. After a delay, the task is repeated, and retention is measured by examining whether the infant kicks more during the retention phase than at baseline (i.e., spontaneous kicking prior to the learning trials; Rovee-Collier, 1997). Developmental research using the mobile conjugate reinforcement paradigm has demonstrated that both the speed of learning and length of retention increase with age”
The simulated dataset includes 4 variables:
- the measure of retentionday
- the delay in days (1 through 14)age
- the age group: 2 month olds or 3 month oldsage_recoded
- the age group recoded as 0 (2 month olds) and 1 (3 month olds)
Explore these data with (at least) glimpse and a scatterplot. Include ratio on the y-axis, day on the x-axis, and color the dots by age. You may include any other explorations you wish to perform.
Problem 2
Suppose you have specified that you will use a linear regression model to predict the simulated Rovee-Collier babies’ retention ratio by day and age. Your model can be represented by the following equation:
\(y=w_0 + w_1x_1 + w_2x_2\), where:
- \(y\) = ratio
- \(x_1\) = day
- \(x_2\) = age
Fit the specified model using ordinary least squares approach with each of the three different functions we learned in the tutorial: (1) with lm
, (2) with infer
, and (3) with parsnip
. Did all three ways return the same parameter estimates? Explain why or why not.
Problem 3
Given the specified model and the parameters estimated in problem 2, compute the sum of squared error for the fitted model.
Note: if you are stuck on Problem 2, you may proceed with this problem by using all zeros as your parameter estimates.
Problem 4
Expanding on problem 3, write a more general function that would allow you to compute the sum of squared errors for the model specified in problem 2. Your function should take two inputs: (1) the data and (2) the parameter estimates. Your function should return a single value as output. Test your function with each of the following parameter values:
- 0, 0, 0
- 2, -3, 5
- 1, 2, 3
Which of these three options fit the data best? How do you know?
Problem 5
Use the optimg
package to find the optimal parameter estimates for the model specified in problem 2 via gradient descent. Initialize your search with \(b_0=0\), \(b_1=0\), and \(b_2=0\). How many iterations were necessary to estimate the parameters? Are the parameters estimated by your gradient descent the same as those returned by lm()
? Explain why or why not.
Problem 6
The function given below finds the ordinary least squares estimate via matrix operations given two inputs: \(X\), a matrix containing the input/explanatory variables, and \(Y\), a matrix containing the output/response variable.
<- function(X, Y){
ols_matrix_way solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% Y
Use this function to estimate the free parameters of the model specified in problem 2. Are the parameters estimated by the matrix operation the same as those returned by lm()
? Explain why or why not.