
Student employees

When a student accepts our offer, the next step is to send their name and Penncard number to Amy Forsyth so she can appoint them to the position.

New student employees

If a student is new to the hiring system, they will need to make an appointment with Amy to complete hiring paperwork. At this meeting, Amy must see their original social security card and one other official form of i.d., like their driver’s license or passport (other acceptable documents available in the FAQs).

New international student employees

New international student employees need a valid Social Security Number in order to work in the United States. The instructions and application for The instructions and application for Social Security: On-Campus Work Authorization for F-1 and J-1 Students is available on the International Student and Scholar Services website. After applying for a Social Security Number, it generally takes 10 business days for your card to arrive, so students should plan accordingly.

In addition to completing the W-4 and I-9 forms, new international student employees must also present the following documents to Amy:

  • FNIF (Completed Foreign National Information Form) is available here.
  • Social Security Card (Copy of Social Security Card or copy of the receipt for application for a Social Security Number - Form 5028)
  • Foreign Passport
  • I-94 (Copy of INS arrival/departure record)
  • I-20 (Copy of INS Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student OR
  • DS-2019 (Copy of INS Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) status and written work authorization from OIP-ISSS (valid up to 12 months at a time)

Background Check

Because we bring children to our lab, we comply with Pennsylvania law (Act 153 of 2014, as amended by Act 15 of 2015) and require everyone working in our lab to complete the three part background check required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

  1. FBI criminal background check - verified by a fingerprint check. You will receive a unique Authorization Code to use in IdentoGO to schedule your fingerprinting appointment. Instructions for how to schedule this appointment and ensure your results are sent to SAS are available here. IdentoGO will tell you where and when your appointment will take place.
  2. PA Criminal History Report (PATCH) - you will receive instructions via TrueScreen after your background check has been processed.
  3. PA Child Abuse History - after you complete the PATCH Criminal History Report, you will be emailed a payment code and instructions from TrueScreen to complete the Child Abuse History.

Notes for Katie: To obtain authorization codes for new lab members, email Sean Kirwin Kirwin@sas.upenn.edu with the names of each lab member and he will send an authorization code and instructions directly to them.
